Elmurodov N.S.,Uzakov G.N.,Kodirov I.N.,Tilavov Yu.S.
In the article, the thermal regimes of the layers of experimental solar pond with dimensions of 0.7 m and 1.5 m, height of 1.5 m, built in the training ground of Karshi Engineering Economics Institute, were mathematically modeled based on the climatic conditions of Karshi city. In the dynamic mode of the solar pond device, at a concentration of 25% of pond water, the energy collection efficiency of the layers was calculated analytically for the months of May, June, September and October, 2022. A mathematical model of the temperature changes of the layer over time during the absorption of solar radiation through the depth of the solar pond has been developed. The experimental and model calculation results of this solar pond were compared based on Fisher’s criterion. Among the monthly comparison results for each layer, the closest difference was observed in the LCZ layer, which was 8.8%.