1. КМК 2.01.03-19 Building in seismic areas (The ministry of building of RUz, Tashkent, 2019).
2. ShНК 4.02.61-07 Collections of resource budget norms on it is repair-civil work. Plaster works (The State committee on architecture and building RUz, Tashkent, 2007).
3. ShНК 4.02.69-07 Collections of resource budget norms on it is repair-civil work. Other it is repair-civil work (The State committee on architecture and building RUz, Tashkent, 2007).
4. ShНК 4.02.53-07 Collections of resource budget norms on it is repair-civil work. The collection of 53 “Walls” (The State committee on architecture and building RUz, Tashkent, 2007).
5. Shahzada Khan, Javed Muhammad, Alam Bashir, Khan Mansoor, Ali Zaigham, Khan Hassan and Shah Syed Shahan Ali, Strengthening of Brick Masonry Walls against Earthquake Loading International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering 01 (01) (2012). ISSN 2319-5347.