Abramkina Kristina,Zhilenkova Elena,Borisenko Vladislav
The article deals with an important issue of creating virtual test grounds. The problem of measuring vibrations and acoustic emissions of designed objects of the aircraft industry, etc is studied. Thus, for example, one of the important tests of the coaxial helicopter at the development stage is the assessment of the impact of manufacturing tolerances on fuselage vibrations. The general problems of modeling and control of the acoustic field, the measurement of the acoustic emission of objects are considered. The research results can be used to solve the problems of creating virtual test grounds and other digital systems, where the assessment of the behavior of a complex object is made on the basis of its digital twin or, in general, on a mathematical or computer model. The introduction of such systems can significantly reduce financial costs when creating a product, increase quality of designed systems and predict their behavior under certain conditions without expensive testing.