Environmental factors in the proceedings organization on the compulsory medical measures application


Geranin Vitaly,Zharko Natalya,Zakharova Svetlana,Korneev Sergey


For several generations in a row, humanity has lived with a constant and obsessive fear of environmental disasters. Violation of the environmental regulations, of the rules on the use of the environmentally hazardous substances and dangerous waste; security breach regarding the handling microbiological or other biological agents and toxins; pollution of water, the marine environment, the atmosphere, land, deforestation - all this together constitutes a factor of increased danger for the normal ecological situation in the region, country, world. Social relations arising in the considered sphere of society are regulated by criminal legislation. It is well known that every year the ecological situation in the world tends to worsen, which is confirmed by the official position of the highest government bodies. Against this background, the number of mental deviations is increasing, which, in its turn, is the reason for the commission of acts prohibited by the criminal law. Compulsory medical measures (hereinafter CMM) is an intersectoral legal institution regulated by the norms of criminal and criminal procedure legislation. In this regard, currently there are a number of problems associated with the organization of criminal proceedings on the use of CMM, which, to a certain degree, can be represented in the following form: 1) the category of persons in respect of whom the organization of proceedings on the use of CMM is carried out (Chapter 51 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation); 2) the types of CMM that can be applied to these persons instead of punishment or along with the imposed punishment; 3) the procedure for appointing and conducting a stationary forensic psychiatric examination to establish the mental state of a person before the commission of an act prohibited by the criminal law, at the time of its commission, as well as immediately after the commission and at the time of a forensic psychiatric examination; 4) the procedure for the termination, suspension and resumption of proceedings in this category of criminal cases in connection with a mental disorder of the accused (suspect); 5) the insufficiency of the circumstances to be proved in this category of criminal cases (CCP, art.434); 6) the need to highlight different approaches to organizing criminal proceedings of this type, depending on the category of persons in respect of whom the CMM is applied. All these problems in one way or another have a negative impact on the practical use of CMM. Based on the results of this study, proposals were made on the legislative consolidation of various types of organization of criminal proceedings on the use of CMM, due to the categories of persons to whom it is applied, as well as on improving the rules governing the conditions to be proven in criminal cases of this category.


EDP Sciences

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