The demand for innovative learning methods is dictated not only by the speed of changes and updates of the knowledge system, but also by the enormous growth of data. The need to navigate the vast and dynamically changing field of information requires more sophisticated skills of working with it. Reading is still one of the main ways of gaining knowledge. Improving the reading skill allows not only to work with text information faster and more efficiently, but also to qualitatively change the intellectual abilities of a person by means of speed reading. This study presents a theoretical overview of the modern scientific understanding of speed reading, and examines the psychological aspects (cognitive, motivational-meaning-building) that have an impact on the effectiveness of speed reading learning process. Our aim is to develop an appropriate training program, which will take into account not only the capabilities and limitations of the visual and cognitive systems, but also motivational-meaning-building component, which largely determines the student’s involvement in the lesson and the level of results achieved. The implementation of this program in the educational process will allow to optimize the time and effort necessary to acquire a certain amount of educational knowledge, as well as to increase the motivation and personal interest of the individual in the process of education and self-education.