Conceptual basis of using digital technologies for reducing transport costs in product price


Palkina Elena


The article presents the conceptual foundation of integrated management of digital transformation processes in transport which plays an important role in support of industrial production and determines the prices of products. The paper substantiates the interrelated use of the following concepts in building the integrated management system for digital transport: Industry 4.0, process management, sustainable development, stakeholder influence, value-based management, lean production and risk management. Improving the theoretical basis of the digital transformation management system in transport will allow industrial enterprises to improve the efficiency of their activity, taking into account the expectations of stakeholders. Examples of practical implementation of conceptual provisions are presented. The author suggests to use the specific key performance indicators that allow to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed integrated management system for digital transport systems based on the considered concepts. The achieved results form the scientific basis for elaboration and implementation of the economic mechanism for ensuring sustainable increasing efficiency of transport organizations, serving the industrial production and determining distribution costs in conditions of the digital economy.


EDP Sciences

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1. Digital Transformation in Russian Transport Companies;Digital Transformation on Manufacturing, Infrastructure & Service;2023







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