Forecast and impact of electromobility development on the Polish Electric Power System


Kłos Mariusz,Marchel Piotr,Paska Józef,Bielas Rafał,Błędzińska Magdalena,Michalski Łukasz,Wróblewski Konrad,Zagrajek Krzysztof


Thanks to the development of technology, the presence of electric vehicles (EVs) on the roads is no longer a purely theoretical issue. Also in Poland, electric cars are already visible on the streets, and charging stations (EVCS) are increasingly being installed near newly emerging buildings and housing estates. The article attempts to determine to what extent the use of electric cars will affect the demand for power and energy in the Polish electric power system (PEPS). The basis for PEPS modernization plans should be a detailed analysis of the technical adequacy of all its subsystems: generation, transmission and distribution, on the basis of which it will be possible to assess the potential impact of EVCS infrastructure operation on the Polish electric power system. This publication presents an example of such analysis for the distribution sub- sector, most exposed to potential negative interactions with the future, extensive infrastructure of EVCS.


EDP Sciences

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