Motivation of modern Ukrainian teachers’ professional activities: generation archetypes


Kalashnikova Liudmyla,Hrabovets Iryna


The article gives an analysis of data of an All-Ukrainian Monitoring Survey conducted by the Ukrainian Educational Research Association using TALIS methodology among secondary school teachers to determine generation differences of professional activity motivation. According to the generation theory of W. Strauss and N. Howe, we implement the new variable “generation” into the empirical data in order to divide the selected cluster into homogeneous groups of representatives of the Silent Generation, Baby boomers, Generations X, Y, and Z. To find the motivation for professional activity, we used the methodological approach of J. Barbuto and R. Scholl. Appealing to the concepts of V. Rozanov, Iu. Kuliutkin and V. Bezdukhov, the authors of the article attempted to determine motivation methods for professional activity for all generations of teachers.


EDP Sciences

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