Importance of starting material for plant breeding


Zolkin Alexander L.,Matvienko Evgeniy V.,Koval Yulia N.,Pankratova Lyubov A.


All agricultural crops are created by breeding. But the use of breeding is closely related to the methods of obtaining the source material. As these methods improved, new possibilities for breeding opened up and its creative role in the creation of new plant breeds increased. It is very important to know what all or a certain group of breeds have in common and how they differ from each other. It is important to emphasize the following points - the group of plants that make up the variety has a common origin. It is a multiplied offspring from one or a few plants. By propagating the parental initial plants, in their offspring, through breeding, they achieve similarities in economic and biological properties and morphological characteristics. The degree of this similarity, depending on the source material and breeding methods, may be different. The variety is created for cultivation in certain natural and production conditions. In the presence of appropriate natural and production conditions, the variety should provide stable high yields and quality products.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

Reference12 articles.

1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 20 dated 21.01.2020 “On Approval of the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation”. Information and legal portal (2020). [Electronic resource]. Access mode: (Accessed on: 04/25/2021)

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