Nikolenko Olga,Babakova Larisa,Morenko Boris
The focus of the study is the search for methods to improve the speech-cogitative activity of foreign students who study Russian as a foreign language at the initial and advanced stages of education for the further development of a technical profession. In order to achieve the tasks set, the team of authors analyzes some methodological methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language (including the method of teaching the scientific style of speech within the Russian as a foreign language) and comes to the conclusion that in modern conditions of intensification of the educational process, interdisciplinary coordination is necessary, which consists in immersion lexico-grammatical units into a highly specialized text adapted to them. Due to the integration of scientific knowledge (general linguistic and special), it becomes easier and faster to master the program of a higher educational institution, since this process creates the foundation for the formation of pragmatic thinking through the analysis and implementation of structural-semantic models with content and semantic diversity into speech practice. This allows you to put the student in real communicative conditions, in which scientific and speech problems are solved simaltaneously, to create complete statements in Russian independantly on a professional topic after rethinking the basic information and its content shades, and to form the skills of automated use of language tools.
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