The importance of digitalization in the education process


Ciarko Marta,Paluch-Dybek Agnieszka


Ubiquitous digitization is a domain of the community that seems to be increasingly visible in the education process. It can bring many benefits not only to students but also to other entities. Knowledge is one of the most important values. It is largely the basis of the modern economy – Knowledge Based Economy (GOW). The education process is one of the most important factors influencing the civilization level of the society, and teaching is a process consisting primarily of activities that lead mainly to the organization and direct management of the learning process, aimed at creating conditions conducive to learning, and is related to the teacher's personality and work. Both the literature on the subject and observations of the education market clearly indicate that the issues related to digitization and its importance in the education process should be considered in the context of teacher's work at school. The article focuses on the teaching process in the context of organizing a teacher's workshop at school, and to a lesser extent on teacher's qualifications and professional competences. Moreover, attention was focused on issues related to the problems of equipping schools with high technology teaching aids.


EDP Sciences

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