Рodolchak Nazar,Karkovska Veronika,Tsygylyk Natalia,Dziurakh Yurii,Bilyk Olena
The paper explores the application of a synergetic approach in managing public service personnel in a developing country, utilizing methods such as the six thinking hats, Delphi, analysis and synthesis, deductive, and Stanford model design thinking. It analyses sustainable development indicators, changes in personnel management within government bodies, and highlights a HDI of 0.779, Corruption Perceptions Index of 32, Income Inequality Index of 25.36%, and Gender Equality Index ranging from 0.677 to 0.714 in 2021. The findings suggest measures to activate synergetic principles, including enhancing critical and creative thinking, emotional intelligence, IQ, stress resistance, and knowledge among managers, as well as emphasizing emotional intelligence and IQ among organizational personnel. Steps for HR management in the Ukrainian public service are proposed, such as adaptation, motivation improvement, exit interviews, corporate culture development, competitive wages, and remote HRMIS technology utilization.