The study analyzes the prospects for Russia’s ratification of the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (1998). The analysis of federal legislation in the field of ecology is carried out.The emphasis is on the provisions that regulate the rights of citizens to access official information on the state of the environment, to participate in the discussion of environmental programs and projects; the right to judicial review of actions of authorities that violate such rights. On the example of the city of Moscow - a subject of the Russian Federation, the official electronic services and resources are shown that allow you to receive information about the state of the environment in real time. Such electronic resources have been created by the Moscow City Government and are available on all social networks. Based on the results of the study, the conclusion is substantiated that the existing legislation in Russia and the practice of its application generally comply with the standards of the Aarhus Convention. Its ratification will allow Russia to reach a qualitatively new level of international environmental standards.
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