Socio-Philosophical Aspects of the Neuro-Digital Noosphere Formation and Development


Devterov Ilya,Skyba Ivan


At present there is more than half of the world population who is currently using the Internet, due to which it seems relevant to develop not only technical, but also humanitarian and metaphysical views and theories that can serve the basis for the analysis of this phenomenon. The aim of these areas of studies should be rethinking of the role and place of man in the structure of modern society, as well as the role and place of the society in human life. The methodology for these processes comprehension lies in the plane of ontology, social philosophy and anthropology, based on the integration of the latter with cybernetics and mathematics, synergetics and mathematical modeling. Systemic and historical methods are inevitably capable of synthesizing the results of such a methodological approach, leading to the appearance of neologisms, the explication of new notions that most adequately reflect the essence of modern processes. The article illustrates a number of phenomena that should be studied with the aim of forming a person not as an object, but as a subject of global digital communication.


EDP Sciences

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