The analyses of physical and mechanical properties in the process of soil interaction with working elements of the cultivator of vibrating principle action


Soyunov Alexej,Kuzmin Dmitry,Prokopov Sergej,Golovin Alexandr,Abdylmanova Raykhan


The characteristics of the natural-climatic zone of the Omsk region are given and an analysis of the physical and mechanical properties of soils is carried out. A technical solution for cultivating the soil using the working parts of vibrating cultivator has been proposed. In the process of this research, the dependences of the trajectory movement of the vibratingtype lancet paw and its blades ends when interacting with the cultivated soil were established, and calculations of traction resistance were performed. The use of vibrating working body of the cultivator reduces traction resistance by 5%, which saves fuel, increases the degree of weed cutting by 10%, and decrease the degree of soil sticking by 15%. The effectiveness of using cultivator with vibration-action working parts helps to increase crop yields and reduce the cost of resulting products.


EDP Sciences

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