Analysis of exposure of inhabitants of Polish cities to air pollution with particulate matters with application of statistical and geostatistical tools


Sówka Izabela,Nych Alicja,Kobus Dominik,Bezyk Yarolsav,Zathey Maciej


The aim of this research was the analysis of air quality in selected Polish cities in 2008-2018 combined with health assessment based on the methodology and software of World Health Organization (AirQ +) as well as an analysis of main directions of activities aimed at improving air quality in Polish cities. The results of calculations and spatial analysis of exposure indicate the year 2010 as the one with the highest concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5, as well as Małopolskie and Śląskie Voivodships (agglomerations: Upper Silesia, Krakow and Rybnik-Jastrzębska) as the two most threatened by negative impact on human life and health. In a detailed analysis of the Wrocław agglomeration, for 2017, the estimated number of deaths of adults caused by short-term exposure to PM2.5 with a limiting concentration above 10 μg/m3 (in accordance with WHO guidelines on air quality) was over 130 people, and the estimated number of patients hospitalized because of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases due to the above exposure was 160 and 80 cases, respectively. The analysis showed more than 80 cases of asthma attacks in children with asthma caused by short-term exposure and three death cases in infants due to long-term exposure to PM10.


EDP Sciences

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