Ridho Saefudin,Noechdijati Dyah Ethika,Wijayanti Irene Kartika Eka,Mulyani Altri
The development of shallot farming in Adipala Sub-district starting in 2018 faced several problems, namely most farmers still had low experience of shallot farming, the type of land that was less fertile, shallot seeds from Brebes which were not specific to coastal land. This research aimed to analyze 1) revenue, cost, income, and R/C, 2) the level of production risk, 3) factors influencing production, 4) factors influencing production risk. The research object was farmers who carried out shallot farming during the growing season from November 2019 to January 2020 in Adipala Village, Bunton Village, and Karanganyar Village. The sampling method was saturated sampling. Data analysis consisted of analysis of revenue, cost, income, R/C, coefficient of variation, and Just & Pope production risk function regression. The results showed that the shallot farming in Adipala Sub-district was profitable, namely per farm it had revenue Rp10,834,600.00, cost Rp9,999,943.61, income Rp834,656.39, and R/C 1.06. The production risk level was high at 85.49%. Factors that had been shown to significantly influence production were land area, seedlings, labor, agricultural lime, petroganik, manure, TSP, ZA, KCl, NPK, herbicides, and fungicides. Meanwhile, factors that had been shown to significantly influence production risk were TSP, NPK, and fungicides.
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2 articles.