Firdaus Emilda,Mardiana ,Andrikasmi Sukamariko,Handoko Tito
The Siak Hijau policy is a barometer of the success of regional governments in supporting the achievement of the SDGs in Indonesia. This policy is in line with the long-term vision for the development of Riau and Siak which prioritizes environmental governance, increasing participatory space and transparency. This study was carried out in collaboration between the Siak Regency Government, FITRA Riau and other stakeholders. The research method used is a qualitative research method, data collection is carried out using structured interviews and observation. Directed discussions at regional apparatus organization forums were carried out to obtain complete data. This study found that the green siak policy is a policy that has received a lot of support from non-governmental organizations. However, this policy is not yet gender responsive because there is no special budget allocation that is affirmative towards empowering women’s groups. Public participation in this policy is quite good considering that public involvement in planning and implementing the Green Siak policy continues to be encouraged by the Siak Regency regional government.