Composite elastomers are polymers capable of large reversible highly elastic deformations over a wide temperature range. Production of elastomeric composite materials is one of the intensively developing areas of industry and science, the aim of which is to find materials ready to work in both domestic and extreme operating conditions. When creating new composite polymers, magnetically active elastomers, there are a number of physical and mechanical requirements for material characteristics that need to be checked on testing machines during tensile and compressive testing of specimens. These requirements include: elasticity, insignificant residual deformations under various test modes up to material rupture in tension. The specified requirements were tested on an automated testing machine in various modes. The diagrams of linear and nonlinear characteristics of tensile stresses of the specimen depending on the strain values up to the moment of its rupture were constructed and analyzed. The analysis of the constructed hysteresis loops at stretching - contraction of the specimen showed the possibility of its use as a shock-absorbing material. Establishing the relationship between the tensile forces and the resulting deformations, including the effect of a strong magnetic field on the material, is important for further work on selecting the most appropriate range of use of this material for various conditions of its application.