Objective: conduct a retrospective assessment and obtain a forecast of the level of development of the intellectual transport infrastructure of JSC Russian Railways in 2004-2027. Methods: econometric modeling, analysis, comparative approach, statistical method, generalization. Results: the system of indicators for assessing the level of development of an organization’s intelligent transport infrastructure has been developed; using the developed system of indicators, the level of development of the intellectual transport infrastructure of JSC Russian Railways was assessed retrospectively and dynamically during 2004-23; forecasts of these indicators for 2024-27 has been built on the basis of models of autoregression with their accuracy assessment; also the comparison has been made of the level of development of JSC Russian Railways intellectual transport infrastructure with the similar levels for BNSF railway company (USA) and CN railway company (Canada). Main conclusions: the results obtained can be used in further research of the development of the organization’s intelligent transport infrastructure.