Gerasimov Denis,Lebedev Anton,Ignatyev Alexei,Murashov Anatoly
Modification of bitumen with polymers is an effective way to improve its properties. Despite the sufficiently widespread use of this method, currently there are practically no appropriate methods of this process calculation. Moreover, there are almost no the models to determine the size of formed polymer particles in modified bitumen of non-traditional polymer modifiers. The paper gives a mathematical description of the secondary polyethylene terephthalate particles formation in bitumen during the process of its modification. In terms of the stochastic approach, we obtained the analytical expressions for the differential distribution function of polymer particles in size, as well as the average size, surface, and volume. According to the research, increasing the rotation speed of the stirring mechanism leads to a decrease of the average particle size of the polymer. We use free software wxMaxima to perform the calculations.
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