Increasing electrical power output and fuel efficiency of gas engines in integrated energy system by absorption chiller scavenge air cooling on the base of monitoring data treatment


Radchenko Andrii,Radchenko Mykola,Konovalov Andrii,Zubarev Anatolii


An advanced scavenge air cooling system for reciprocating gas engines of integrated energy system for combined electricity, heat and refrigeration generation has been developed. New method of deep scavenge air cooling and stabilizing its temperature at increased ambient air temperatures and three-circuit scavenge air cooling system with absorption lithium-bromide chiller and wet-type cooling tower was proposed. Such cooling method does not require essential constructive changes in the existing scavenge air cooling system but only an addition heat exchanger for chilling scavenge air cooling water of scavenge air low-temperature intercooler closed contour by absorption chiller. A chilled water from absorption chiller is used as a coolant. To evaluate the effect of gas engine scavenge air deeper cooling compared with its typical radiator cooling, data on the dependence of fuel consumption and power output of gas engine on ambient air temperature at the inlet of the radiator are analized. The efficiency of engine scavenge air deep cooling at increased ambient air temperatures was estimated by reducing the gas fuel consumption compared with radiator cooling.


EDP Sciences

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