Species Composition and Density in the Mangrove Forest Area of Sriminosari Village, Labuhan Maringgaika District, East Lampung Regency


Dermawan Oki,Aryani Wiwik Dyah,Mulyasa E.,Yusuf Trisna Kusuma,Yanti Risma


Mangroves are mangrove species that can develop and grow in muddy tidal areas so that they can form a vegetation community. Mangroves have a unique adaptability, namely the ability to adapt to oxygen levels (O2) which is low causing the root system in mangroves to look like chicken claws and is included in the buffer type. The presence of mangrove forests has an important role in keeping the monitoring lip area from abrasion by sea waves so that it remains stable. The purpose of this study was to determine the species composition and density in the mangrove forest area of Sriminosari Village, Labuhan Maringgai District, East Lampung Regency. Based on the results of research that has been conducted in the mangrove forest area of Sriminosari Village, it can be concluded that the vegetation found in the mangrove forest area of Sriminosari Village contains 2 mangrove tribes. The relative density value of mangroves in the village of Sriminosari on speciesAvicennia marinawith a percentage of 100%. As for the species apiculata has a percentage of 24.4%. Based on H’total calculation of 1.2, it means that the mangrove forest of Sriminosari Village belongs to the medium category from the calculation of the Shannon-Wiener index


EDP Sciences








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