Islam Integrated Science Module Development for Integrated Islam School


Engelina Siregar Kardina


This study aims to produce teaching material products in the form of Islamic integrated science modules on the characteristics and needs of living things in the hope of knowing the feasibility, the potential for increasing pretest-posttest scores, and the practicality of the products that have been developed. The development uses the ADDIE pattern, which consists of 5 stages, namely: analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation. Based on the results of the analysis, the validity percentage results were 72.85%; 90.2 %; 95.8 %; 84.2% of the validators are learning material experts, media experts, imtaq experts and field practitioner experts with valid criteria. Based on the results of the analysis, the average score of the students’ pretest was 83.25 and 93.75 in the posttest, which indicated that student learning outcomes had increased. Based on the validation results obtained, it can be concluded that the integrated Islamic science module on the characteristics and needs of living things is feasible to use.


EDP Sciences

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