Kim Irina,Barsukova Elena,Fisenko Petr,Chekushkina Tatyana,Chibizova Alena,Volkov Dmitry,Klykov Alexey
Potatoes are strongly affected by pests and by pathogens of fungal, bacterial and viral nature. The most common and economically significant potato viruses are Y (PVY), X (PVX), S (PVS), M (PVM), and potato leaf twisting virus (PLRV). The development of a virus-free bio-resource collection in vitro is the basis for plant breeding development and transferring seed production to a healthier foundation. In this regard, the aim of this research was to apply methods of recovery and select optimal conditions for in vitro propagation of a collection of virus-free potato varieties. A collection of 22 healthy virus-free potato varieties was developed and kept in vitro in the FSBSI “FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A. K. Chaika". The recovery from viruses through joint use of tissue culture (apexes 2-4 mm) and chemotherapy (ribavirin) of the new potato variety Avgustin was carried out. The recovered test-tube plants, as well as the samples of six in vitro potato varieties that are in demand in plant breeding and seed production (Smak, Sante, Yantar, Zhukovsky ranny, Dachny, Adretta), were tested by enzyme immunoassay method (ELISA) for latent infection with viruses Y (PVY), X (PVX), S (PVS), M (PVM), and L (PLRV). The evaluation for Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (PSTVd) was performed using PCR method. As a result of the study, no viral infections were detected in the recovered material and plants in vitro. The composition of nutrient medium for the microclonal propagation of potatoes that provides maximum value of the propagation rate is detected.