Zhichkina Lyudmila,Nosov Vladimir,Zhichkin Kirill,Nayanov Aleksandr,Vertiy Natalya,Eroshenko Arina
Insects have a strong influence on the state of forests. Damage by pests often results in negative changes in the forest ecosystem. The benzoylphenylurea insecticide Dimilin is widely used in agriculture and forestry to control pests. The purpose of the study is to estimate possible forest damage from Acantholyda posticalis and to analyze the effectiveness of the Dimilin insecticide. The paper provides the following description of possible damage from Acantholyda posticalis: with the extent of damage to crowns of 74%, the blight of pines will be 9%; with the predicted crown damage from tree browsers the potential loss of pine tree recruitment will be 93%; shrinkage of forest stands by 0.09% will result in the loss of water protection properties of forests amounting to 5.33 thousand EUR; the loss of water regulation functions will amount to 2.13 million EUR.
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