Possibilities of using lianas for greening automobile roads


Radkevich Marina,Pulatova Tojinur,Shipilova Kamila,Pochuzhevsky Oleg,Gapirov Abdusamin,Turakulov Murat


The environmental problems of the road transport system in Tashkent are analyzed in the article. Particulate air pollution is one of the most serious problems. To reduce dust pollution in the air, it is proposed to create protective screens along highways from lianas. It was proposed to form screens from fragrant honeysuckle (Lonícera caprifólium) and ivy (Hedera helix), which are evergreen in the conditions of Tashkent. The study of the dust-absorbing capacity of the leaves of these plants showed that ivy leaves are the most dust-absorbing, capable of holding up to 1.64 mg of dust per 1 cm2 of the surface.


EDP Sciences

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