Urishev Boboraim,Mukhammadiev Muradilla,uulu Abdurauf Abduaziz,Murodov Hojiakbar
Information about the problems arising from the uneven production and consumption of energy in power systems, including in the power system of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is given on the example of a daily electrical load schedule. It is noted that to successfully solve these problems, energy is accumulated in the hours of minimum consumption so that it can be used in peak hours with high consumption, and for this purpose, pumped storage power plants are used. A diagram of hydraulic energy storage is given at large pumping stations used to accumulate water in the upper reservoir in hours of minimum loads, and the accumulated volume of water is directed to generate energy, which can be used by pumping stations to supply additional water to its consumers, replenishing its losses in hours of hydraulic energy storage. The method of selection and optimization of the main parameters of this complex, based on minimizing fuel consumption in power plants while limiting the amount of accumulated energy based on the capabilities of water and energy resources of pumping stations, is presented. The calculations using the example of the Syrdarya thermal power plant show that with the integration of five nearby pumping stations into the process of energy storage and generation, significant cost savings are achieved, and the daily load schedule is significantly leveled.
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4 articles.