A Study on the awareness of road safety for trucks transportation in Peninsular Malaysia


Leong Jie Lee,Wern Kern Choo,Mahmud Bahri


Safety is the first priority during the process of transportation as an accident occurs will cause a person’s life or long-term injury. This study identifies the awareness of road safety for trucks transportation in Peninsular Malaysia that highlight the factor of causing drivers not aware about the road safety for trucks transportation in Peninsular Malaysia which include driver behaviour, attitude and human error, surrounding environment, government legislative and distracted driving. Qualitative research approach is adopted in this study and in-depth interview was conducted to gather the data among the selected trucks operations company in Peninsular Malaysia. The finding show that speed performance results the safety procedure, the company greediness for small gains or profits results the awareness of safety their employees, the government’s legislation punishment is not very effective and also the employees lack of understanding on safety precaution results in their own risk. Therefore, Driver Behaviour, Attitude and Human Error, surrounding Environment, Government Legislative as well as Distracted Driving and Tracking are the important factor that cannot be neglected.


EDP Sciences

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