Budiprasojo Azamataufiq,Rudiyanto Bayu,Hariono Budi,Seetawan Tosawat
Wind speed profiles are generally sought by using an anemometer. However, problems occur when taking wind speed data over large areas, such as mapping the potential of wind energy in someplace. Altitude and coordinate variations will vary and difficult to executed if using a conventional anemometer. In this modern era where drones, which are unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly used, have the prospect of being used as a tool in retrieving data. A type of drone that has an economical price is a quadcopter type drone. Integrating this drone with an anemometer will then be able to retrieve wind speed data at the coordinates and elevation. The wind speed survey process will be more accurate and can be saved in terms of cost and time. Problems and procedures in integrating these two tools will be studied in this study because both of these tools have specific characteristics such as turbulence from propeller drones that can interfere with data accuracy and sensitivity problems to the sensor anemometer that requires special attention. The development of quadcopter, including construction, modifying, and tuning, will be main issues to discuss in this journal.
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