Carbon Sequestration Capability Analysis of Urban Green Space Using Geospatial Data


Azaria Linda,Wibowo Adi,Putut Ash Shidiq Iqbal,Rokhmatuloh


Indonesia is the world’s sixth largest producer of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions. Jakarta is one of the cities in Indonesia with the highest amount of CO2 emission, due to the growing number of population within the city. Anthropogenic activities in the form of industry, transportation, and housing have become one of the primary sources of CO2 emission. The emission is an urban natural hazard, and it needs to addressed immediately. Green open space is the fundamental solution to this problem. The presence of urban green space will reduce the amount of CO2 emission. Unfortunately, the extent of reduction remains unclear, especially in South Jakarta. The study aims to analyze the capability of urban green space in sequestering CO2 from anthropological aspects such as some population and vehicle in South Jakarta. The sequestration capability of each green open space is measured using the Leaf Area Index generated from remote sensing imagery. The CO2 emission was calculated from some population and the number of vehicles collected from statistical data and ground measurement, respectively. The result shows that green open space distribution significantly correlated with the CO2 sequestration (with the value of 0.79). This study shows that the number of urban green space is one of the solutions to reduce CO2 emissions.


EDP Sciences

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