Trubavina Iryna,Karaman Olena,Kamenova Dimitrina,Stepanenko Viktoriia,Yurkiv Yaroslava
The article deals with the issues of overcoming poverty, inequality, nutrition improvement, ensuring a healthy way of life, raising education quality, enhancing well-being, and building up a peaceful and open society for internally displaced persons (IDP) and the receiving community by means of the social response strategy. The goal of the research: theoretic substantiation of the response strategy in social work with IDP and the community in the context of the perspective of ensuring their sustainable development. The presented response strategy is for the first time theoretically substantiated and adapted to the Ukrainian realities in the conflict zone and takes into account the peculiarities of the DP and social work in the receiving borderline community and includes standard actions to react to extraordinary situations, activity directions – psychology-and-pedagogic, socio-medical, humanitarian, information-and-cultural assistance. The strategy is based on the principles of integration, multi-sidedness, multidisciplinary connection, resource-orientation, green-aware social work, the advantages theory, partnership, assistance for self-assistance, family-centrism, innovation, synergy, etc.; it takes into account the perspective ensuring of sustainable future for both the displaced families and the receiving community in general. The methods of the research: theoretical analysis, synthesis, systemizing, generalizing, comparison, documentation study, estimation of needs, and mathematic statistics methods. The obtained results of applying the mentioned theory under conditions of the military conflict in the Luhansk oblast (area) of Ukraine confirm its efficiency in qualitative and numerical terms and are supported by mathematic statistics methods.
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3 articles.