Yunusov Salokhiddin,Sultonov Azamat,Rakhmatov Mashkhur,Bobomurotov Tojiddin,Agzamov Mirkhosil
Results of studies on extending the time operation of gin and linter grates by hardening of the working area by high-frequency current are given in article. Mathematical models for calculation of key parameters of the mode of hardening of the working area of gin and linter grates are made. As a result of the executed researches the following conclusions are drawn: change of a gap between grates in a grate lattice leads to change of parameters of process of ginning and finally to deterioration of products. Mathematical models for calculations of parameters of process of hardening of the working area of grates are received. On the received mathematical models key parameters of hardening process current of high frequency which have the following values are calculated: depth of the tempered layer – 2.0 mm, the optimum frequency of current – 60000, specific power – 500 W/cm2, hardening time – 10, studying hardness tempered and not tempered sites of grates by method of Rockwell showed increase in hardness of the tempered site to HRC 55 against HRC 45 at not tempered by the working area.
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17 articles.