From Antiquity to the Present: A Perpetually Evolving History of Green Spaces


Chkird Fadoua,Kouddane Nour-Eddine,Azizi Salah-Eddine,Boukroute Azzouz,Berrichi Abdelbasset


The evolution of green spaces throughout history originated in the ancient world and extended through different eras. In this respect, this study aims to explore this historical evolution in detail, focusing on the temporal and geographical setting of the descriptions. This is made possible by a bibliographical search ensuring the fundamental elements and key references for analysing and understanding the changes in this green infrastructure across historical periods, despite the limited availability of information. As a result, ancient gardens were developed as spaces suitable for meditation, establishing the first harmonization between mankind and nature. The analysis continues with a particular focus on Renaissance gardens, marked by innovative aesthetics and a new interest in symmetry and order. The Baroque period is characterized by splendid and spectacular gardens, reflecting the scale of royal castles and palaces. The transition to landscape gardens reveals a more natural, romantic perspective, highlighting the natural perfection of the landscape. The study also looks at contemporary developments, where gardens are becoming multipurpose spaces that integrate ecological, artistic and wellness aspects. The history of green spaces has emerged as a rich and detailed chronicle, illustrating cultural, social and aesthetic developments over the centuries. This chronological journey highlights the influence of artistic perspectives and styles on the design and perception of green spaces, underlining their key role as a representation of the evolution of the human spirit and the human-nature interrelationship.


EDP Sciences

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