Latifi Hanane,Elfazazi Kaoutar,Oubouali Morad,Ameslek Oumaima,Latrache Hassan,El Louali Mostafa,Zahir Hafida
Olive oil, extracted from olive fruits (Olea europaea), is renowned for its distinctive flavour, nutritional richness and health benefits. The aim of this comparative study is to analyze olive oil from several TADLA perimeter units, including Province of AZILAL, FQUIH BEN SALAH, BENI MELLAL, ZAOUIT CHEIKH, and BRADIA. The oil under investigation was extracted from olives of the Moroccan Picholine variety, by a discontinuous system including grinding, pressing and decanting. Significant variations were found at the values of the studied parameters. The results of our study showed that Olive oil from FBS and BM are classified as an extra virgin olive. However, olive oils from ZC, BR and AZ are classified as virgin olive oil. Sample from FQUIH BEN SALAH province had the lowest Free Fatty Acids (FFA) and peroxide values 0.236% oleic acid and 3.434 méqO2/Kg respectively. While the highest FFA value found was the olive oil obtained from AZILAL (1.084% Oléic Acid) and the highest Peroxide value was obtained in the sample from BRADIA (8.108 méq O2/Kg). E232, E270 and delta K values of all samples were under the limit fixed by IOC for virgin olive oil. Polyphenols content of ZAOUIT CHEIKH, FQUIH BEN SALAH and BRADIA oils are relatively high with values equal to 1.347, 1.082, and 1.141mg GA/100ml extract respectively. DPPH test showed that ZAOUIT CHEIKH oil had the greater antioxidant capacity.