In-site transportation of concrete mix: new typology of methods, potential and fields of modern mechanization means’ rational application


Osmanov Sergey


The main structural material in construction industry is concrete. The article discusses the features of modern methods and means of in-site transportation of the mixture that subsequently forms it and, in particular, its supply to the concreting blocks of monolithic structures. The requirements of Russian norms for this process implementation, as well as the world practice of using the machines, equipment and devices intended for this, are analyzed. A new typology of methods for in-site transportation of concrete mixture is proposed, based on the differences between them in the type and resource intensity of the main moving action. Generalized, systematized and brought to the applied form information about the productivity and parameters of the mechanization corresponding means working zones, as well as the mixture technological properties influence on the possibility of their use. The data obtained made it possible to clarify the rational use areas of the main types of such technology and to reveal the contradictions associated with this. In general, the research results presented in the article facilitate the identification of shortcomings and promising directions for improving the considered competing methods and technical means, as well as justification of the choice between them.


EDP Sciences

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