1. Semenov V. N., About the general plan of the city of Rostov-on-Don. Problems of Soviet urban planning (Moscow, Publishing House of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR, 1949).
2. State Archives of the Rostov Region N° 4329, 1, unit 146. Information about the new town planning provisions of the planning and development of Rostov-on-Don, 12 p. (1957)
3. State Archives of the Rostov Region P-4329, 1, unit 45 A brief overview of the restoration of Rostov-on-Don, 2 p. (1949)
4. State Archives of the Rostov Region P-4329, 1, unit 24 “Information about the future of Rostov-on-Don. Future Rostov 4 p.
5. Rebayn Y.A., Rostov strides into the future (Rostov Book Publishing House, Rostov-on-Don, 1968)