1. Some personal reflections on the present and future of Australia’s fauna in an increasingly fire‐prone continent
2. Forest plan of the Udmurt Republic. Decree of the Head of the Udmurt Republic 18.02 2019No 17. Available at: https://docs.cntd.ru/document/553160573 (2019)
3. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Udmurt Republic. (2021) Forest fires. Available at: http://www.minpriroda-udm.ru/
4. Udmurtstat Information about the protection of forests in the URALS in 2014-2019. (2021) Available at: https://udmstat.gks.ru/
5. Municipal district “City of Izhevsk”. 2021. Information about the issued felling tickets for cutting down green spaces in the territory of the municipal district “City of Izhevsk”. Available at: https://www.izh.ru/