Methodology for designing microcircuits of various levels of CAD description taking into account quality indicators and energy efficient production


Zolnikov Konstantin,Skvortsova Tatiana,Zatorkina Kristina,Matusevich Alexander


The article considers the aspects of design of the microcircuits used in energy engineering. The principles of designing microcircuits at various levels of description in computer-aided design systems are considered. Recently, small design standards and the possibility of regular exposure of the device to radiation in conditions of energy efficient production has become particularly relevant. Hence, this requires the creation of special libraries and test environment tools. The structures of microcircuit design processes are presented at the top level and at the level of complex functional blocks. A functional modeling diagram is shown. Combined hardware and software verification, its features and problems are analyzed. It is shown that the main elements are libraries, debugging tools and a test environment. An important point is the restrictions imposed on development during design.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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