Dewi Arman Utami,Imani Rafki,Sari Afrilda,Purba Widiawati
Liquefaction is a condition of continuous soil mass deformation at residual stress due to increasing pore water pressure that results in effective stress reduced. This study was conducted to identify the potential hazards of liquefaction in the Jondul Rawang area in Padang City. This study is to observe the soil contour and characteristics. Primary data obtained by observing the soil contour, soil characteristics, and the form of buildings, etc. Whilst, secondary data obtained from the related documents as supporting data. The results concluded that the Jondul Rawang area is potentially liquefaction area where the soil contours and characteristics could be classified as peat soil and lied in the swamps. Furthermore, if the rainfall intensity increase then flooding occurred. Then as consequences, there were many residential houses and other buildings around the area turning into tilted and drowned due to the degradation of soil bearing capacity. Therefore, requiring disaster management efforts against the threat of liquefaction in that area, both in terms of the drainage system due to flooding and overall repairs for the sewerage could work well.