Matveev Yury,Cherkasova Marina,Rassokhin Viktor,Barskov Viktor,Chernikov Victor,Andreev Konstantin,Kortikov Nikolay,Nikiforova Oksana,Yadikin Vladimir
The article is devoted to the investigation and development of microsteam turbine unit of the LPI design for utilization of heat of exhaust gases of internal combustion engines. This installation will reduce the world carbon dioxide emissions, as well as add useful power for the needs of the consumer. Efficiency and environmental friendliness of the engine will increase. The article discusses development of the main directions of improvement of high-loaded steps of LPI, expansion of modern outlooks on the directions of MRI development and the use of LPI steps in the systems of heat recovery of exhaust gases of the internal combustion engine. The possibility to utilize the heat of exhaust gases of internal combustion engines by means of a turbine unit and the subsequent receipt of additional useful capacities are investigated in many developed countries of the world. Germany, Sweden, Japan, PRC and other leading countries in the automotive industry are intensively conducting works in this direction. The results of such studies have already found application in some freight cars. In the Russian market, this type of turbine is spread very weakly. Turbine unit behind the internal combustion engine works in conditions of low volumetric consumption of the working fluid, which leads to a decrease in the heights of the flow parts of the guides and working grids, because of which the relative gaps in the seals increase. This leads to the growth of leakage of the working fluid. On the other hand, a high degree of pressure reduction when choosing single-stage turbines leads to supersonic