Modeling of the fuel system of a boiler turbine power plant with a homogenizer mixer to optimize the physical and chemical properties of fuel


Kotov Valentin,Barskov Viktor,Rassokhin Viktor,Chernikov Victor,Smetankin Anatolii,Nikiforova Oksana,Andreev Konstantin,Kortikov Nikolay


Improving the technical, economic, and environmental performance of the power plant is the most important direction for improving the characteristics of the ship’s propulsive complex. This issue can be solved most effectively by improving the design, repair, and maintenance of the fuel supply system, which significantly affects the quality of the fuel equipment and determines the working process of the steam boiler. Performance indicators of fuel equipment are determined not only by the stability of its design and adjustment parameters and parameters of the fuel supply process, but also by the physical and chemical composition of the fuel.


EDP Sciences

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