Impacts of hinterland surface water on the coastline of Al Hoceima Bay (Central Rif, Morocco)


El Djiri Abdelkarim,Etebaai Issam,El Bourki Rajae,Taher Morad,El Moussaoui Said,El Talibi Hajar,Cherkaoui Dekkaki Hinde


The present work aims to assess the chemical and bacteriological quality of the two Ghiss-Nekôr tributaries of Al-Hoceima Bay. A set of field data collected, either from direct analysis or from satellite data, was used to conduct this study. We relied on GIS tools for data processing and analysis. The nutrient analysis indicates normal surface water quality, with nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations typical of less polluted waters. These nutrients originate from continental inputs due to runoff. Nitrates are the most common mineral nitrogen species, resulting from the leaching of nitrate-based fertilizers from agricultural and domestic sources. Bacterial analysis reveals water contamination by total coliforms (TC), Escherichia coli (EC), and intestinal enterococci (IE). Hinterland inputs from the two rivers are the primary source of liquid and solid pollutants in Al-Hoceima Bay. They are influenced by climatic and anthropogenic factors such as hydraulic development, agriculture and urbanization.


EDP Sciences

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