Emelianova Daria,Kliuchareva Natalia,Kolesnichenko-Yanushev Sergey,Yakovlev Andrey
The paper considers the methodology for organizing information support planning at the main stages of a product life cycle. If used, the methodology will help minimize risks of counteragents’ non-compliance with contractual obligations. The research study is aimed at substantiating the ways, techniques, and methods of building an effective information support management system of an enterprise through creating an adaptive system for standardization work planning. When preparing the materials suggested in the paper, such scientific research methods were used as: analyzing the information needs of an enterprise, simulating a short-term information support planning process, pooling the experience in organizing standardization work in industrial enterprises involved in sin-gle-piece and serial production, as well as the principles of consistency and comprehensiveness of information support planning. As a result of the conducted research study, the following ones are proposed: a methodology for forming a Standardization Action Plan in an enterprise (organization); ways and methods for adapting the Standardization Action Plan to changing production conditions; ways to monitor the realization of actions envisaged in the Plan; the rules for evaluating the effectiveness of the information support system of an enterprise. The general methodology of information support relies on a principle of building quality management systems that implement the Deming Cycle.
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3 articles.