Liquefaction behaviour of aluminium and plastic rod assemblies using bi-axial apparatus with application of image analysis


Sukhumkitcharoen Rawiwan,Koseki Junichi,Kyokawa Hiroyuki,Otsubo Masahide


It has recently been shown that the overall deformation characteristics of granular materials during liquefaction seems to be governed by local void ratio characteristics. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between mechanical properties and local void ratio changes during liquefaction in two materials of different weights (aluminium-type and plastic-type rod assemblies). A series of constant-volume cyclic bi-axial loading tests was conducted together with the image analysis obtaining local void behaviour. The experimental results demonstrate that the first liquefaction resistance of the plastic sample is higher than the aluminium one, corresponding to its smaller initial void ratio and less contractive behaviour observed in the early stage of drained monotonic compression. However, after experiencing the first liquefaction and subsequent re-consolidation histories, a liquefiable assembly of aluminium and plastic rods both became either denser (densification) or more homogenous (homogenization) in terms of local void ratio, suggesting an increase in liquefaction resistance in the next liquefaction stage. This work also includes a preliminary analogous study using a semi-3D discrete element method (DEM) with one single layer of spherical particles to simulate the similar liquefaction behaviour observed in the laboratory tests.


EDP Sciences

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