Koveshnikov Alexey,Shiryaeva Nina,Naumkin Vladimir,Bulgakova Karina,Silaeva Zhanna
Arbosculpture in Russia is a developing art form. Nowadays there is a small number of works devoted to this topic in our country. In this regard, the aim of the following work is to study the technology of creating arbosculptures in the conditions of the central region of Russia. The material for creating arbosculptures are woody plants of the following species: Fraxinus excelsior L., Acer platanoides L., Prunus cerasifera Ehrh, Prunus cerasus L. The formation of sculptures takes 5 years or more. The process of the creation includes such stages as – making a sketch design, selection of a breed, planting a seedling (s), trimming, concrescence/ ingrafting, measures for the care and preservation of a given shape.