Fayzullaev Normurot,Kholliyev Shamsiddin
In the article, n-butane, which is a waste of “Shortangazkimyo” LLC, has a porosity of 33% obtained by reaction with potassium permanganate solution in aqueous solutions at temperatures above 100 ℃ and pressures above 1 atmosphere. In the presence of a catalyst containing xTiO2•(1-x)SiO2 (x=0.0001-0.04), the influence of concentration, the ratio of n-butane to potassium permanganate, solvent, temperature, pH and other factors on the rate of oxidation reaction was studied. The best solvent for oxidation of butane with potassium permanganate solution is ethyl alcohol, it provides maximum selectivity for the formation of butanone-2 and is stable under oxidative conditions. Increasing the ratio from 2:1 to 6:1 increases the butanone-2 yield from 28 to 44% and the selectivity from 50.7% to 63%. It was found that the productivity of butanone-2 (17%) and selectivity (20%) decreased in the ratio of n-butane, a waste product of “Shortangazkimyo” LLC, to potassium permanganate solution=1:2, which is related to the formation of a two-phase system. As the temperature increases from 50 ℃ to 90 ℃, the yield of butanone-2 increases from 13.4 % to 30.5 % and the conversion rate of potassium permanganate solution increases from 37 to 97 %. The dependence of the selectivity of potassium permanganate solution on butanone-2 is unusual with a maximum of 70 ℃ (54.15%). Thus, the conducted research allows us to conclude that the optimal conditions for the synthesis of butanone-2 are: temperature - 70 ℃; Catalyst concentration of xTiO2•(1-x)SiO2 (x=0.0001-0.04) with 33% porosity obtained by reaction in aqueous solutions at temperatures above 100 ℃ and pressures above 1 atmosphere is 38.99 g/l; The molar ratio of nbutane, which is a waste of "Sho’rtangazkimyo" LLC: potassium permanganate solution - 3:1; pH=7.
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