1. Lopashuk A. V. Regulation of water-heat regime of roads in Kamchatka region : specialty 05.23.11 “Design and construction of roads, subways, airfields, bridges and transport tunnels” : thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences / Lopashuk Andrey Viktorovich. - Khabarovsk, 2013. - 191 p. - EDN SUYBKV.
2. Kritskiy M. Ya. Strengthening of an earth bed of highways / Kritskiy M.Ya., Lanis A.L.. - Novosibirsk : Publishing house SRUPS, 2013. - 182 p.
3. Injection Compositions for Creating Impervious Screen for Roadbed Foundation
4. Semashkin K. V. Justification of design and technological parameters of the impervious screen of flooded road embankments : specialty 05.23.11 “Design and construction of roads, subways, airfields, bridges and transport tunnels” : thesis for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences / Semashkin K. V. - Omsk, 2013. - 157 p. - EDN SUXHYR.