Influence of the chemical composition of the load-carrying equipment material on its performance


Amosov Alexey


The study presented here refers to the use of chain slings carrying loads. The theoretical calculation shows us the high reliability and almost failsafe operation of a metal welded chain. The introduction describes the relevance of the work and a brief historical background to the problem, as well as the terms used in the work. In the next part of the work the methodology of load and reliability calculation is given, further quantitative values of reliability indicators, methods of their obtaining, and the methodology of reliability calculation according to the strength criterion are shown. The scheme of work of the emission spectrometer, technology of its application, and carrying out of the entrance inspection are resulting. As conclusions practical recommendations and coincidence of results of research with known facts from material science are indicated. Studies conducted by the authors show that the use of chain hangers without in-depth input control of the chemical composition of the material used can cause significant damage.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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