1. Pryamitsyn A.A. Structural and technological solutions of contact network support structures, providing increase of their durability. Cand. of Sci. of Technology: 05.23.07 Moscow, 2003, 184 p.
2. VSN 447-N Departmental technical guidelines for the design of the contact network of high-speed railroads. SJC “UTY”, Tashkent, 2010.
3. KMK 2.03.05-97 Steel structures. Design Norms Approved by Goskomarhitektstroy RUz. from 06.11.96 №104.
4. KMK 2.03.01-97 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Approved by the State Committee for Mining and Architecture of the Republic of Uzbekistan 11.09.97 №87.